Auto Warkey Warcraft
How to use dagger easily ? How to hex enemy faster and easily ? What can i do ? Many of the player have difficulties when using a item to target enemies or something else.. The difficulties are they got late to use the item in inventory. So, i want to introduce to you about WARKEYS.
Warkeys is a program that can :
1. Change the Hotkeys, Button Positions and the Tips for the icons in the game.
2. Align the keys based on a predefined grid layout.
In other word, for Warcraft - Dota players.. you can change the NUMPAD (1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 8) to Alphabet ( Q, W, E, R, etc) so you can use Dagger, Dagon, or any skill in Inventory with your Finger not with your mouse.
Ok now let's start the tutorial.
1. Download the latest Warkeys.
2. Overview
To initially access Auto Warkey, open up Warkeys to see something like this.
Problems with warkey Warcraft III Post by shnxxx » Fri Mar 29, 2019 3:36 pm I found out that this warkey (made from Autohotkey) has delay when I'm trying to bind a key to a skill.
Free Auto Warkey Download

WarKey 6.8.130327 can be downloaded from our website for free. WarKey lies within Games, more precisely Utilities. The most popular versions among the program users are 6.8 and 6.5. Our antivirus scan shows that this download is malware free. WarKey.exe is the most frequent filename for this program's installer. Download DotA hotKeys free is a little utility program which can be used to custom the Hotkeys of the DotA 6.88w9 inventory (Items). Support Windows 7, DotA 6.88v8, 6.88v3, 6.88u and 6.85k maps.
In other way u can click the shortcut icon on your desktop to access AutoWarkey.
Warcraft Auto Warkey
In the Options Tab, you can enable the Health Bars in the DotA or prevent the Alt + Q + Q hot key.
For the Inventory Tab, you can edit your custom key. Here is the examples :
In that addition, you can remap the key of a skill to your custom key. Here is the example :
or you also can message to Allies or All of the player by using your custom key :
Auto Warkey Dota Hotkey Download
Autowarkey Warcraft
Latest Warkeys Download : Warkeys Download