Tizen Studio 2.5 Download

This guide describes how to set up your development environment for Cordova and run a sample application. Note that Cordova used to be called PhoneGap, so some of the sites still use the old PhoneGap name.

1. Requirements

DownloadRequest(' http: / / download. Org / tools / README. Txt ', ' downloads '); The final parameter ( downloads ) defines the folder where the downloaded content is stored. The parameter uses a relative folder location defined in the Filesystem API (in mobile, wearable, and TV applications). The Tizen Studio is a comprehensive set of tools for developing Tizen native and Web applications. It consists of an IDE, Emulator, toolchain, sample code, and documentation. Tizen Studio runs on Windows®, Ubuntu and macOS.

  • Linux Ubuntu 10.04/10.10/11.04/11.10 32-bit, Windows XP SP3/7 32-bit.

2. Install SDK + Cordova

  • Download and install the Tizen SDK.
  • Download the latest copy of Cordova and extract its contents. We will be working with the tizen directory.
  • (optional) Install Tizen Cordova template projects: copy the /templates directory content into you Tizen Eclipse IDE web templates directory (e.g: /home/my_username/tizen-sdk/IDE/Templates/web).

3. Setup New Project

  • Method #1: Import a Cordova Tizen project sample

    • Launch Tizen Eclipse IDE
    • Select File -> Import -> Tizen Web Project
    • Click Next
    • Make sure that Select root directory is checked
    • Make sure Copy projects into workspace is checked
    • Click Browse
    • Browse to one of the Cordova Tizen 'samples' project directory (e.g: /cordova-basic) and select it
    • Click Finish
    • Your project should now have been imported and appear Project Explorer view
  • Method #2: Use Tizen Eclipse IDE Cordova Tizen project templates

    • Launch Tizen Eclipse IDE
    • Select File -> New -> Tizen Web Project
    • Select User Template and User defined items
    • Select one of the Tizen Cordova template (e.g: CordovaBasicTemplate)
    • Fill-up the Project name and its target Location
    • Click Finish
    • Your project should now have been created and appear Project Explorer view

4. Hello World

  • To build your project:

    • Right Click your project in the Project Explorer view and Select Build Project
    • A widget package should have been generated in your project root directory (e.g: cordova-basic.wgt)
    • Note that the provided samples Tizen Cordova projects are not basic hello world applications. They contain a simple example usage of the Battery Cordova API.

Tizen Studio 2.5 Download Free

5A. Deploy to Simulator

Tizen Studio 2.0 Download

  • Right Click your project in the Project Explorer view and Select Run As and Tizen Web Simulator Application

5B. Deploy to Device/Emulator

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  • Make sure that your target device is properly launched/connected/configured ('Date and Time' settings must have been set correctly)
  • Select your application deployment target with the Connection Explorer view (Select Window Menu -> Show View -> Connection Explorer )

  • Right Click your project in the Project Explorer view and Select Run As and Tizen Web Application

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